ELF Riffs - PDF Downloads

Elf Riffs - Superimposing the Major 7th Arpeggio
Elf Riffs - Superimposing the Major 7th Arpeggio - Guitar World and Carl Roa bring you
"Elf Riffs", a guitar lesson series from the Magic Elf guitarist.
Get ready to add some new concepts to your guitar improvisation with this lesson! Learn about superimposing Major7th arpeggios in this challenging sweep based riff!
You can download the PDF here!
PDF - Superimposing the Major 7th Arpeggio
You can download the Guitar Pro File here!
Guitar Pro 6 -Superimposing the Major 7th Arpeggio
Elf Riffs # 11 - Theme from Popeye the Sailor
Elf Riffs #11 - Theme from Popeye the Sailor
- Guitar World and Carl Roa bring you
"Elf Riffs", a guitar lesson series from the Magic Elf guitarist. This lessons piece
makes an excellent alternate picking exercise sure to amuse family and friends!
Download the Guitar Pro and PDF files here.
You can download the PDF here!
PDF - Elf Riffs 11
You can download the Guitar Pro File here!
Guitar Pro 6 - Elf Riffs 11
Elf Riffs # 10 - Power Pentatonics
Guitar World and Carl Roa bring you "Elf Riffs", a guitar lesson series from the
Magic Elf guitarist. This month Carl take's us a through news ways to incorporate
Power Pentatonic scales in our solos. The Pentatonic riffs in this lesson are sure
to challenge the bravest of Axe-Men! So grab your axe and get ready for an intense
chops workout! To view all the entire series of Elf Riffs lessons, please visit
Check it out at
Guitar World Lessons.
You can download the PDF and Guitar Pro 6 files here!
PDF - Elf Riffs 10
You can download the Guitar Pro 6 File here!
Guitar Pro 6 - Elf Riffs 10
Elf Riffs # 9 - Paganini Caprice No. 5
Guitar World and Carl Roa bring you "Elf Riffs," a guitar lesson series from the
Magic Elf guitarist. This month Carl take's us a through a terrifying excerpt from
"Paganini Caprice No. 5". A fantastic technical study including alternate picking,
sweep picking, scalar runs and arpeggios. All at a break neck tempo! Grab your axe
and get ready for an intense chops workout! To view all the entire series of Elf
Riffs lessons, please visit guitarworld.com
Check it out at
Guitar World Lessons.
You can download the PDF here!
PDF - Elf Riffs 9
You can download the Guitar Pro 6 File here!
Guitar Pro 6 - - Elf Riffs 9
You can download the MIDI file here!
MIDI - - Elf Riffs 9
Elf Riffs # 8 - Shredding J.S. Bach
In the eigth Elf Riffs Carl take's us a through a terrifying excerpt from "Bach
Solo Violin Sonata Number 2 in B Minor". Aside from a great technical study for
picking across the strings, this piece includes all types of challenging arpeggio
patterns and string skips. Carl also does some improvising over Bach's "Jesu, Joy
of Man's Desiring" to start things off. Grab your axe and get ready for an intense
chops workout!
Check it out at
Guitar World Lessons.
You can download the PDF for Elf Riffs # 8 here!
Bach Violin Sonata #2
Elf Riffs # 7 - Progressive Influences (Allan Holdsworth and Eric Johnson)
In the seventh Elf Riffs Carl discusses incorporating ideas from your favorite guitar
players into your own style. Carl looks at two of his own early influences, Allan
Holdsworth and Eric Johnson. Using riffs from his solo recording "Eternity" and
the Magic Elf "Heavy Meddle" record, Carl exemplifies the influence of these two
ground breaking musicians in detail. Grab your axe and get ready for an intense
chops workout!
Check it out at
Guitar World Lessons.
You can download the PDF's for Elf Riffs # 7 here!
Better Days Ahead
Elf Riffs # 6 - Progressive Influences (Steve Morse and Yngwie Malmsteen)
In the sixth Elf Riffs Carl discusses incorporating ideas from your favorite guitar
players into your own style. Carl looks at two of his own early influences, Steve
Morse and Yngwie Malmsteen. Using heavy riffs from his solo recording "Eternity"
and the Magic Elf "Heavy Meddle" record, Carl exemplifies the influence of these
two ground breaking musicians in detail. Grab you axe and get ready for a heavy
alternate picking workout!
Check it out at
Guitar World Lessons.
You can download the PDF's for Elf Riffs # 6 here!
Elf Riffs # 5 - Progressive Sequences
In the fifth installment of his instructional column, Carl Roa shows you some ideas
for progressive rock sequences.
Check it out at
Guitar World Lessons.
You can download a PDF for Elf Riffs # 5 HERE!
Elf Riffs # 4 - Diatonic Arpeggios
In the fourth installment of his instructional column, Carl Roa shows you how to
incorporate diatonic arpeggios into progressive rock.
Check it out at
Guitar World Lessons.
You can download a PDF for Elf Riffs # 4 HERE!
Elf Riffs # 3 - Soloing Over a Minor Blues Progression
In the third installment of his new instructional column, progressive rocker Carl
Roa shows you how to solo over a minor blues progression.
Check it out at
Guitar World Lessons.
You can download a PDF for Elf Riffs # 3 HERE!